FALE Directors (since 1969)


Graciela Inés Ravetti de Gómez - 2014 to 2018

Graciela Inés Ravetti de Gómez is a tenured Professor in Literary Studies at the Faculty of the Language, Literature, and Linguistics. She was the Faculty of Arts’ director from 05/2014 to 05/2018 and has also worked as a researcher with Fapemig and as a visiting researcher at the University of London. Other academic professional experience of hers include: coordinating the Graduate Course in Literary Studies at UFMG and the international projects Experience in Literature, mainly in the following subjects: literary theory and criticism, Latin America, Argentine Literature.

She received her Master's and Doctorate degrees from the Language Studies Department (Spanish Language and Spanish and Hispano-American Literature) at the University of São Paulo and her licensure as a language professor from the National University of Rosario.

Deputy Director: Rui Rothe-Neves


Luiz Francisco Dias - 2010 to 2014

Born in Salinas (MG) in 1961, Luiz Francisco Dias graduated with a Bachelor’s degree from the Faculty of the Languages, Literature, and Linguistics at the Federal University of Viçosa (MG) in 1985, and defended a PhD thesis at UNICAMP (SP) in 1995. He worked for 17 years at the Federal University of Paraíba, and while there, created the Post-Graduate Program in Language and Teaching. He joined UFMG in 2002 and held the position of Coordinator of the Graduate Program in Linguistic Studies from 2007 to 2009, before becoming the College's director. He held the position of Executive Secretary of the Brazilian Association of Linguistics (ABRALIN) from 2005 to 2007 and served as titular member of the Board of the National Association of Postgraduate in Languages and Linguistics (ANPOLL) from 2006 to 2010. As Director of the Unit, Luiz created the Memory Center of FALE and supported the creation of the Professional Master's Program in Languages (PROFLETRAS). He is a research fellow at the National Council for Scientific and Technological Development.

Deputy Director: Sandra Maria Gualberto Braga Bianchet


Jacyntho José Lins Brandão - 2006 to 2010

Jacyntho José Lins Brandão was born in Rio Espera (MG) in 1952, and moved to Belo Horizonte as a child. He graduated in Literature from FALE in 1977 and obtained his doctorate in Classical Literature from the University of São Paulo in 1992. Jacyntho has served twice as the Director of the Faculty of the Language, Literature, and Linguistics. In the interval between these two terms, Jacyntho served as Vice-Rector of the Federal University of Minas Gerais (1994-1998). He was a Visiting Professor at the University of Aveiro (Portugal, 1998-1999) and Universidad Nacional del Sur (Bahía Blanca, Argentina, 2001), as well as Director of Guest Studies at the École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales in Paris, France, 2001. His primary research and written work focus on ​​Greek literature, specifically Hippocentaur, as well as the works: The Invention of the novel and Ancient Musa, and Greek-language, with the work Helleniká and Introduction to Ancient Greek. Jacyntho is the Founding partner of the Brazilian Society of Classical Studies (SBEC), Jacyntho has also held the position of President (1991-1993), Secretary General (1985-1987) and Treasurer (2004-2005) in the SBEC and served as President Emeritus of the Brazilian Committee for the Reunification of Sculptures of the Parthenon. As a writer, he has published two novels: Reliquary and The Babel's Ditch, in addition to the play, Dona Madonna, which won first place in the Contest of the Clóvis Salgado Foundation, 1981. He has also translated Luciano and Pindar, among many of the ancient writers, and François Hartog, among many of the modern writers. Currently, Jacyntho is a Professor of Greek Language and Literature.

Deputy Director: Wander Emediato de Souza


Eliana Amarante de Mendonça Mendes - 1998 to 2006

Eliana Amarante de Mendonça Mendes was born in Belo Horizonte (MG), and she graduated in Portuguese / German Literature from the Faculty of the Language, Literature, and Linguistics in 1973. She holds a PhD in Philology and Portuguese Language from the University of São Paulo (1991), after which she completed her postdoctoral degree at Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie in 2009. She has been a FALE / UFMG professor since 1974 both as German Language Teacher (1974-1993) and Portuguese Language teacher (1993 to present) Faculty of the Language, Literature, and Linguistics, Tenured as a Professor since 2011, Eliana integrates the research topics "Discourse Analysis and Textuality" and "Textualization in Portuguese Language" in her works. Throughout her career, she has held several academic and administrative functions at FALE, including being responsible for several coordination efforts (Translation Laboratory, 1983-1985, CENEX Portuguese Course for Foreigners, 1996, etc.), of Languages ​​Anglo-Germanic, 1991-1993, of Vernacular Languages, 1995-1996) and holding the position of Director for two consecutive terms.

Deputy Director: Veronika D.E.B. Benn-Ibler


Rosângela Borges Lima - 1994 to 1998

Rosângela Borges Lima was born in Paracatu, Minas Gerais, in 1954. She graduated in Portuguese Language Studies from UFMG in 1977. That same year, Rosângela began teaching at the Champagnat Educational Society (1977-1979), and later Pio XII College (1980-1981) and Romualdo José da Costa State School (1981-1984). In 1984, she obtained her Master's Degree from UFMG, and, in 2003, her Doctorate from UFMG as well. From 1984 to 2003 Rosângela was a professor at the Faculty of the Language, Literature, and Linguistics. From 1990 to 2008 Rosângela also served a Portuguese language teacher of the Latin specialization course at the Pontifical Catholic University of Minas Gerais. During her career in the Faculty of the Language, Literature, and Linguistics, she has taken on various roles, including coordinator of Portuguese Language Research nucleus (1987-1990), coordinator of the Portuguese Language sector (1987-1990), head of the Department of Vernacular Languages (1993-1994) and Faculty Director.

Deputy Director: Prosolina Alves Marra


Jacyntho José Lins Brandão - 1990 to 1994

Jacyntho José Lins Brandão was born in Rio Espera (MG) in 1952, and moved to Belo Horizonte as a child. He graduated in Literature from FALE in 1977 and obtained his doctorate in Classical Literature from the University of São Paulo in 1992. Jacyntho has served twice as the Director of the Faculty of the Language, Literature, and Linguistics. In the interval between these two terms, Jacyntho served as Vice-Rector of the Federal University of Minas Gerais (1994-1998). He was a Visiting Professor at the University of Aveiro (Portugal, 1998-1999) and Universidad Nacional del Sur (Bahía Blanca, Argentina, 2001), as well as Director of Guest Studies at the École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales in Paris, France, 2001. His primary research and written work focus on ​​Greek literature, specifically Hippocentaur, as well as the works: The Invention of the Novel and Ancient Musa, and Greek-language, with the Work Helleniká and Introduction to Ancient Greek. Jacyntho is the Founding partner of the Brazilian Society of Classical Studies (SBEC), Jacyntho has also held the position of President (1991-1993), Secretary General (1985-1987) and Treasurer (2004-2005) in the SBEC and served as President Emeritus of the Brazilian Committee for the Reunification of Sculptures of the Parthenon. As a writer, he has published two novels: Reliquary and The Babel's Ditch, in addition to the play, Dona Madonna, which won first place in the Contest of the Clóvis Salgado Foundation, 1981. He has also translated Luciano and Pindar, among many of the ancient writers, and François Hartog, among many of the modern writers. Currently, Jacyntho is a Professor of Greek Language and Literature.

Deputy Director: Maria Eneida Victor de Faria


Melânia Silva Aguiar - 1986 to 1990

Melania Silva Aguiar graduated with a Bachelor's degree in Romance Languages from UFMG in 1962. She defended her PhD Thesis in Brazilian Literature in the Languages Department at UFMG in 1973. She completed her Graduate internship in 1993 at Sorbonne Nouvelle, Paris III in 1994, through the University of Lisbon. She successfully completed the Tenure Track Professor application process for Brazilian Literature at FALE in 1991. She was awarded the Santos Dumont Medal, through the State Government of Minas Gerais in 1995. In addition, the Grande Medalha Presidente Juscelino Kubitschek also through the government of Minas Gerais in 2009. After retiring from UFMG, she went on to develop educational activities and research in Brazilian Literature at PUC-Minas with the focus of Literature produced in Minas Gerais.

Deputy Director: Maria Lúcia Brandão Freire de Mello


Maria da Conceição Magalhães Vaz de Melo - 1984 to 1986 

Maria da Conceição Magalhães Vaz de Melo was born in 1939 in Belo Horizonte and graduated with a Bachelor's in Anglo-Germanic Studies at the former Faculty of Philosophy, Sciences, and Languages at UFMG predecessor of FALE in 1962. She also completed her Masters Degree at FALe in 1982 in Language Studies. She complimented her degree at “Université de Langues et Lettres” in Grenoble, France. During her career she participated in a professional development for professors in the United States. She was also a High School teacher at the State School of "Gov. Milton Campos" in Belo Horizonte. She fulfilled the role of Higher Education Inspector for the State Educational Council. At the Faculty of Languages, Literature, and Linguistics at UFMG, she was a Postgraduate professor in the Languages Department. She served as the Deputy Director from 1984-1986 and was the Department Chair in the Languages Department.

Deputy Director: Vanda de Oliveira Bittencourt


Johnny José Mafra - 1982 to 1984

Johnny José Mafra is a Mineiro from Sabinópolis. Professor Johnny completed his primary education at the Seminário Provincial do Sagrado Coração de Jesus in Diamantina, Minas Gerais. He completed his higher education at the Faculty of Languages, where he obtained a licensure in Classical Languages in 1961 and his Doctorate in Latin in 1971. He was a professor of Latin American language and literature from 1971 to 1996. He served as the Chair of the Classical Studies Department and the Director of the Faculty of Languages, Literature, and Linguistics among other administrative positions. He wrote many works about language and Latin American Culture.

Deputy Director: Maria da Conceição Magalhães Vaz de Melo


Eunice Dutra Galéry - 1978 to 1982

Eunice Dutra Galéry was born on April 1st, which always made her laugh. She was a French Professor in the Faculty of Languages, Literature, and Linguistics at UFMG for many years, until her retirement in 1992. Together with a professor from another mineiro university(UFOP), she revitalized the French Professor Association. She received her doctorate from USP in São Paulo, where she met Professor Bernard Aubert, a pioneer in French language education. For their contributions to the French-language community, they deservingly received the les Palmes Académiques award. , Eunice demonstrated a profound interest in research related to discourse analysis and was Eunice who brought Professor Patrick Charaudeau and his new semio-linguistic theory to UFMG for the first time. She was also a poet and a writer.

Deputy Director: Cleonice Pais Mourão


Iria Maria Renault de Castro e Silva - 1974 to 1978

A Belo Horizonte native, Professor Iria completed her education at Ginásio Nossa Senhora de Sion and at the Colégio Estadual de Minas Gerais. In 1961, she graduated from the Faculty of Languages, Literature, and Linguistics, on the Neo-Latin Languages track, later earning a position in the doctoral program in 1963. From 1960-1983, she was a professor of Italian Language and Literature, while also pursuing research and publishing didactic materials in Italian.

Deputy Director: Maria Luiza Ramos


Ângela Tonelli Vaz Leão - 1969 a 1973

Ângela was born in Formiga (MG), in 1922. She completed her undergraduate studies at FALE in 1949, defended her doctoral thesis in 1959, and was awarded the title of Professor Emeritus of the Faculty in 1990. She was the founder and first director of FALE after the reorganization of the old Department of Philosophy, Sciences, and Languages. On a national level, she worked as President of the Brazilian Linguistic Association (ABRALIN), from 1973 to 1975. She was awarded with various prizes and distinctions along her career, both nationally and internationally: Rank of Officer of Palmes Académiques, Awardee of the French Government (1971), Gold Medal Santo Dumont, State of Minas Gerais(1986); National Order of Scientific Merit, President of the Republic - Ministry of Science of Technology (1998), Mendes Pimentel Medal, UFMG (2012). She also public an assortment of articles, chapters, and books in the fields of medieval literature, stylistics, and modern mineiro poetry. Also a Tenured Professor at PUC-MG.

Deputy Director: Wilton Cardoso de Souza


FaLang translation system by Faboba

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