

Spoken Corpora

- Spoken corpora: compilation and data collection methodologies 
- Spoken corpora annotation  
- Statistic approaches to spoken corpora 
- Speech and parsing 
- Multilingual speech corpora 
- Spoken corpora and representativeness 
- Spoken corpora and variation 
- Spoken corpora validation techniques 
- Spoken corpora and speech pathologies


- Multimodal corpora 
- Prosody and speech 
- Gesture, gaze and speech 
- Experimental approaches

Pragmatics and Speech

- Speech pragmatic data extraction methodologies 
- Prosody and pragmatics 
- Discourse analysis 
- Voice and emotions

Speech Technology

- Voice recognition 
- Synthesis 
- Automatic translation 
- Multimodal artificial systems 
- Speech and social signals

Speech and Linguistic Description

- Phonetics and Phonology 
- Lexicon 
- Morphosyntax 
- Informational Structure 
- Illocutions 
- Modality 

Speech and Sociolinguistics

- Speech and variation 
- Speech and ethnologic documentation 
- Speech and language contact

Linguistic Studies and Speech

- Speech and Romance linguistics 
- Speech and Italian linguistics 
- Speech and Portuguese varieties 
- Speech and South-American languages 

Faculdade de Letras da Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais
Av. Antônio Carlos, 6627 Pampulha - Belo Horizonte/MG - CEP: 31270-901
(31) 3409-5101

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