






February 29, 2012


9:00-9:30 Opening (Auditorium 1007)


09:30-10:25 Plenary 1 (Auditorium 1007)

Chair: Tommaso RASO

Pier Marco BERTINETTO (Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa): The Control/Compensation model meets Brazilian Portuguese.


10:25-10:45 Coffee break


10:45-12:45 Oral presentations

Session 1: Prosody and Information Structure (Auditorium 1007)

Chair: Amalia MENDES

Emanuela CRESTI (Università di Firenze): The definition of Focus in the framework of the Language into Act Theory: data from C-ORAL-ROM Italian

Alexandre DELFINO (UFMG), Pablo ARANTES (UFMG) and Maria Luiza CUNHA LIMA (UFMG): Prosodic marking of referential status in Brazilian Portuguese: a preliminary study

Catherine MATHON (Université Bordeaux 3) and Sandra AUGENDRE (Université Bordeaux 3, Università di Cagliari): Construction of referents in a corpus of Live Sports Comment: informational structure, syntactic and prosodic realization

Maryualê M. MITTMANN (UFMG) and Bruno ROCHA (UFMG): Prosodic features of the topic information unit in BP and EP: a corpus based study


Session 2: Phonetic Studies (Auditorium 1005)


Amedeo DE DOMINICIS (Università della Tuscia): Rhythm variation in spontaneous and induced speech

Plinio BARBOSA (UNICAMP), Hansjörg MIXDORFF (Beuth University of Applied Sciences) and Sandra MADUREIRA (PUC-SP): Cross-linguistic analysis of two speaking styles in Brazilian Portuguese and German by using the quantitative Target Approximation model

Luiz Carlos CAGLIARI (UNESP), Mariane CARVALHO (UNESP) and Mariana GEMENTI (UNESP): A questão do trabalho acústico e auditivo nos laboratórios de fonética

Rui ROTHE-NEVES (UFMG) and Fabiana ANDRADE PENIDO (UFMG): Formant transition as a cue to place of articulation in Brazilian Portuguese coronal fricatives


12:45-14:00 Lunch



14:00-15:30 First poster session

Speech Pathology and Sign Language

Liliane RAMONE (UFRJ), Aniela FRANÇA (UFRJ) and João Antônio DE MORAES (UFRJ): Nativos entre nativos: especializações acústicas de falantes com trocas referentes ao traço de sonoridade

Maria ROCCAFORTE (Università di Roma La Sapienza), Giulia PETITTA (ISTC, CNR), Alessio DI RENZO (ISTC, CNR) and Paola Maria GIUNCHI: (Università di Roma La Sapienza) How a story is told in Italian and Italian Sign Language (LIS): a comparison of deictical, anaphoric and gestural strategies.

Aline PESSOA (PUC-SP) and Zuleica CAMARGO (PUC-SP): Correlatos acústicos e perceptivos de qualidade vocal e dinâmica vocal: dados a partir da fala de criança com deficiência auditiva e de criança ouvinte.


Spoken Corpora Compilation and Annotation

Paulo Jeferson PILAR ARAÚJO (USP): A variedade de português falada em quilombos: das hipóteses faladas aos corpora transcritos


Elisabetta SANTORO (USP): A constituição de um corpus de italiano falado para o estudo de pedidos e pedidos de desculpas: considerações sobre a validade dos dados


Regina CRUZ (UFPA), Ilma SANTO (UFPA), Camila BRITO (UFPA), Rosinele LEMOS (Secretaria do Estado de Educacao do Para), Isabel REMEDIOS (UFPA), João FREITAS (UFPA) and Elizeth GUIMARÃES (UFPA): Formação e anotação do corpus do projeto AMPER Norte


Prosodic Studies

Joelma CASTELO BERNARDO DA SILVA (UFRJ): O alinhamento do pico da F0 na questão total do sudeste brasileiro: um estudo preliminar

Aline PONCIANO SILVESTRE (UFRJ): Orações assertivas e prosódia dialetal

Vivian PAIXÃO (UFRJ) and Dinah CALLOU (UFRJ): A prosódia das interrogativas absolutas na fala carioca – leitura versus fala espontânea

Carolina SERRA (UFRJ): Para o estudo do fraseamento prosódico no português do Brasil

Antonio ROMANO (Università di Torino), Lurdes DE CASTRO MOUTINHO (Universidade de Aveiro), Rosa Lidia COIMBRA (Universidade de Aveiro) and Albert RILLIARD (LIMSI, CNRS): Medidas da variação prosódica diatópica no espaço românico


Speech and Pragmatics

João Antônio DE MORAES (UFRJ), Albert RILLIARD (LIMSI, CNRS), Donna ERICKSON (Showa Music University) and Takaaki SHOCHI (Université Bordeaux 3) : Acoustic analysis of a corpus of Brazilian Portuguese attitudes

Dang-Khoa MAC (International Research Center MICA, HUST), Véronique AUBERGÉ (Université de Grenoble, LIG, CNRS), Eric CASTELLI (International Research Center MICA, HUST) and Albert RILLIARD (LIMSI, CNRS): Can the tones (local function) influence the acoustic perception of the Vietnamese attitudes (global function) for French listeners (non tonal)?

Gustavo XIMENES CUNHA (UFMG): A construção da cadeia referencial em sequências narrativas orais

Bárbara Malveira ORFANÒ (UFSJ). You’re so not talking to me like that: analysing conflict talk in a corpus of sitcom discourse


Speech and Information Structure

Edoardo LOMBARDI VALLAURI (Università Roma Tre) and Fabio TAMBURINI (Università di Bologna): Topic and Focus marking in an Italian corpus: some results of algorithmic measurement and structural interpretation

Cássia Jacqueline FERNANDES OLIVEIRA (UFMG): A unidade de Apêndice de Comentário (APC) no Português do Brasil (PB)

Luciana LUCENTE (UNICAMP), Julia HIRSCHBERG (Columbia University) and Plinio BARBOSA (UNICAMP): Intonational prominence and information status in Brazilian Portuguese

Maryualê M. MITTMANN (UFMG), Alessandro PANUNZI (Università di Firenze), Emanuela CRESTI (Università di Firenze), Massimo MONEGLIA (Università di Firenze), Heliana MELLO (UFMG) and Tommaso RASO (UFMG): Information patterning strategies in spontaneous speech: a cross-linguistic study

Aida CARDOSO (Universidade de Lisboa), Sandra PEREIRA (Universidade de Lisboa), Sandra ANTUNES (Universidade de Lisboa) and Rita VELOSO (Universidade de Lisboa): A comment on comment clauses: data from European Portuguese

Lilian TEIXEIRA DE SOUSA (UNICAMP): Evidence from Brazilian Portuguese information packaging


Speech and Morphosyntax

Silvia BRANDÃO (UFRJ): Nominal agreement in the speech of students from urban areas of São Tomé

Sandra AUGENDRE (Université Bordeaux 3, Università di Cagliari): Properties of fronted direct object in Italian

Alexia DUCHOWNY (UFMG): (D)ONDE in the oral subcorpus of the Reference Corpus of Contemporary Portuguese

Simone F. GOMES (UFMG): DE ONDE e DONDE no português do Brasil e no português de Portugal: variação e gramaticalização?

Fernanda CANEVER (USP): The use of inflected infinitive in a spoken corpus

Bruna Karla PEREIRA (UFMG, UFLA): BP “Obrigado eu!” and “Obrigado você!” in counter service utterances


Speech Technology and Data Bases

Alessandro PANUNZI (Università di Firenze) and Lorenzo GREGORI (Università di Firenze): DB-IPIC: An XML database for information patterning analysis

Miguel OLIVEIRA (UFAL): NURC DIGITAL: Uma proposta de preservação dos dados do projeto NURC

Lívia OUSHIRO (USP): Analyzing (-r) with R


15:30-17:30 Oral presentations

Session 3 Spoken Corpus Compilation and Annotation (Auditorium 1007)


Silvia MENCARELLI (Universidade de Lisboa), Iris HENDRICKX (Universidade de Lisboa) and Amália MENDES (Universidade de Lisboa): Modality in spoken texts: a proposal for corpus annotation

Sylvain KAHANE (Université Paris Ouest, Modyco), Anne LACHERET (Université Paris Ouest, Modyco), Paola PIETRANDREA (Università Roma Tre, Lattice) and Frédéric SABIO (Université de Provence, LPL): Rhapsodie: a modular approach to the syntactic and prosodic annotation of a spoken French corpus

Regina CRUZ (UFPA), Socorro CAMPOS (UFPA), Raquel COSTA (UFPA) and Carlos CAVALCANTE (UFPA): Proposta de formação e anotação padrão de corpus oral para estudo fonético acústico de vogais do português Brasileiro

Anne VANPÉ (GIPSA, CNRS) and Veronique AUBERGÉ (Université de Grenoble, LIG, CNRS): Early meaning before the phonemes concatenation? Prosodic cues for Feeling of Thinking


Session 4 Language Pathology and Sign language  (Auditorium 1005)


Carmen Lucia FLOREZ PULIDO (Université Paris Descartes) and Laurent DANON-BOILEAU (Université Paris Descartes): How do autistic children communicate orally?

Thaís BARBOSA (USP): Eliciação e transcrição de narrativas em língua de sinais brasileira

Erica COUTO (UFMG) and César REIS (UFMG): A prosódia e a função comunicativa nas estereotipias da fala de indivíduos afásicos

Carlos Henrique RODRIGUES (UFMG) and Fábio ALVES (UFMG): A interpretação em Língua de Sinais Brasileira: uma investigação de processos cognitivos e inferenciais à luz da Teoria da Relevância


Session 5: Speech and Pragmatics (Auditorium 2001)

Chair: Dinah CALLOU

Tristan Michael PURVIS (University of Maryland): A comparative linguistic analysis of Christian and Muslim sermons in Dagbani

Horácio QUEIROZ (UFMG): A entonação e a força ilocucionária como pistas da atitude do locutor em atos diretivos

Diogo PINHEIRO (UFFS) and Lilian FERRARI (UFRJ): “Bom demais para ser verdade”: espaços mentais e mesclagem conceptual na construção subjetiva escalar do português brasileiro

Maria Elizabeth SARAIVA (UFMG): Ressonância e subjetividade



17:30-17:50 Coffee break



17:50-18:45 Plenary 2 (Auditorium 1007)

Chair: Plínio BARBOSA

Philippe MARTIN (Université Paris Diderot): Speech and Corpora: How spontaneous speech analysis changed our point of view on some linguistic facts
March 1, 2012


9:00-09:55 Plenary 3 (Auditorium 1007)

Chair: Massimo PETTORINO

Plínio A. BARBOSA (UNICAMP): Panorama of experimental prosody research


09:55-10:15 Coffee break


10:15-12:15 Oral presentations

Session 6 Corpus and Linguistic Analysis (Auditorium 1007)

Chair: Anna DE MEO

Patricia BERTOLI-DUTRA (PUC-SP): Song lyrics and speech: similarities, differences and multi-dimension analysis of song lyrics form 1940 to 2009

Tony BERBER SARDINHA (PUC-SP), Carlos KAUFFMAN (Folha de S. Paulo News Organization) and Cristina MAYER ACUNZO (PUC-SP): Dimensions of variation in spoken Brazilian Portuguese

Igor COSTA (UFJF) and Neusa MIRANDA (UFJF): A corpus-based analysis for superlative construction of body expression

Giacomo PATROCINIO FIGUEREDO (UFOP) and Adriana PAGANO (UFMG): Modeling the grammar of casual conversation in Brazilian Portuguese: a corpus-based study of language probabilities functioning in context


Session 7 Speech and Sociolinguistics (Auditorium 1005)

Chair: Regina CRUZ

Dinah CALLOU (UFRJ), Carolina SERRA (UFRJ) and Erica ALMEIDA (CNPq): Spoken corpora and variation: case-studies

Ronald BELINE MENDES (USP) and Livia OUSHIRO (USP): Mapping Paulistano Portuguese: SP2010 project

Jânia RAMOS (UFMG): O português brasileiro vernacular, a análise de corpora e processos de gramaticalização

Januacele DA COSTA (UFAL), Miguel ALVES DE OLIVEIRA (UFAL) and Fábia SILVA (UFAL): Documentação da língua indígena brasileira Yaathe (Fulni-ô)

Session 8 Multimodality (Auditorium 2001)

Chair: Massimo MONEGLIA

Ronice QUADROS (UFSC), Diane LILLO-MARTIN (University of Connecticut) and Deborah CHEN PICHLER (Gallaudet University): Bi-modal bi-Lingual bi-National corpora of child language

Isabella POGGI (Università Roma Tre), Francesca D’ERRICO (Università Roma Tre) and Laura VINCZE (Università Roma Tre): Interacting faces. The expressive and communicative use of face in TV broadcast interaction

Maria GRAZIANO (Lund University) and Marianne GULLBERG (Lund University): Testing the putative compensatory role of gestures during expressive difficulties: evidence from child and adult language learners’ discourse


12:15-13:45 Lunch


13:45-15:45 Oral presentations

Session 9: Speech and Second Language Studies (Auditorium 1007)

Chair: Erling STRUDSHOLM

Ubiratã KICKHÖFEL ALVES (UFRGS) and Márcia Cristina ZIMMER (UCPel): The dynamics of perception and production of VOT patterns in English by Brazilian learners

Maria Grazia BUSÀ (Università di Padova) and Luca ROGNONI (Università di Padova): Italians speaking English: the contribution of verbal and non verbal behavior

Luisa SALVATI (Università di Napoli L’Orientale), Anna DE MEO (Università di Napoli L’Orientale) and Massimo PETTORINO (Università di Napoli L’Orientale): Perceptual competence and persuasiveness: L1 and L2 compared

Clerton BARBOZA (UERN), Wilson CARVALHO (UECE) and Katiene NASCIMENTO (UECE): Acoustic description of the English and Brazilian Portuguese front-vowel systems of Brazilian EFL teachers


Session 10: Speech and Pragmatics  (Auditorium 1005)

Chair: Adriana PAGANO

Britta THÖRLE (University of Kiel): Coproduction in Romance languages: a study of structural resources, interactional procedures and pragmatic functions of collaboratively built utterances in the C-ORAL-ROM-Corpus

Eduardo CALIL (UFAL) and Cristina FELIPETO (UFAL): Paired fiction writing: the dialogal text as a structure that triggers “verbal erasure”

Rosalia DUTRA (UFMG): Dialogic syntax and the construction of engaged meanings

Eliana MENDES (UFMG): The voice and emotion: a tribute to rhetoric


Session 11 Speech and New Frontiers in Research (Auditorium 2001)

Chair: Veronique AUBERGÉ

Thaïs CRISTÓFARO SILVA (UFMG), Daniela GUIMARÃES (UFMG), Leonardo ALMEIDA (UFMG), Maria CANTONI (UFMG) and Gustavo MENDONÇA (UFMG): The contribution of corpora studies to phonology

Antje SCHWEITZER (University of Stuttgart), Natalie LEWANDOWSKI (University of Stuttgart) and Grzegorz DOGIL (University of Stuttgart): Spontaneous speech database for investigating phonetic convergence

Rosario SIGNORELLO (GIPSA, CNRS), Isabella POGGI (Università Roma Tre), Didier DEMOLIN (GIPSA, CNRS) and Francesca D´ERRICO (Università Roma Tre): Charisma perception in political speech: difference between normal and disordered voice



15:45-16:05 Coffee break


16:05-16:20 (Auditorium 1007)


Chair: João MORAES

Marie-Noelle ROUBAUD (Université de Provence) and Frédéric SABIO (Université de Provence)


16:15-18:50 (Auditorium 1007)

Round table: C-ORAL-BRASIL Corpus Presentation

Chair: João MORAES

Tommaso RASO (UFMG): The C-ORAL-BRASIL corpus. General presentation

Heliana MELLO (UFMG): Speech segmentation and transcription, and their statistical validation

Eckhard BICK (University of Southern Denmark): The corpus morphosyntactic annotation

Massimo MONEGLIA (Università di Firenze): The C-ORAL-ROM Corpus design for the study of semantic and pragmatic variation

Emanuela CRESTI (Università di Firenze): Syntax and informational patterning in the C-ORAL-ROM Model


20:30 Conference dinner


March 02, 2012

9:00-11:00 (Auditorium 1007)

Workshop: Emotions, Attitudes, Illocutions, Modality

Chair: Emanuela CRESTI

Véronique AUBERGÉ (Université de Grenoble, LIG, CNRS): Attitude vs. emotion: a question of voluntary vs. involuntary control

João Antônio DE MORAES (UFRJ): Illocution and intonation

Klaus SCHERER (SCAS): Corpus design for studying the expression of emotion in speech


11:00-11:20 Coffee break


11:20-13:20 Oral presentations

Session 12 Spoken Corpus Compilation and Annotation (Auditorium 1007)


Ekaterina LAPSHINOVA-KOLTUNSKI (University of Saarland), Kerstin KUNZ (University of Saarland) and Marilisa AMOIA (University of Saarland): Compiling a multilingual spoken corpus

Janne BONDI JOHANNESSEN (University of Oslo), Kristin HAGEN (University of Oslo) and Joel PRIESTLEY (University of Oslo): A multilingual speech corpus of North-Germanic languages

Frédéric SABIO (Université de Provence, LPL), Sylvain KAHANE (Université Paris Ouest, Modyco), Paola PIETRANDREA (Università Roma Tre, Lattice) and Anne LACHERET (Université Paris Ouest, Modyco): “Subordinate” clauses and syntactic annotation of spoken French corpora

Sian ALSOP (Coventry University) and Hilary NESI (Coventry University): Annotating a corpus of spoken English: the Engineering Lecture Corpus (ELC)


Session 13 Speech Technology and Data Bases (Auditorium 2001)

Chair: Amadeo DE DOMINICIS

Jean-Philippe GOLDMAN (Université de Genève), Maíra AVELAR MIRANDA (PUC-MG), Cirineu CECOTE STEIN (UFPB) and Antoine AUCHLIN (Université de Genève): EasyAlign: an (semi-) automatic segmentation tool under Praat for Brazilian Portuguese


Thibaut FUX (ISL), Véronique AUBERGÉ (Université de Grenoble, LIG, CNRS), Gang FENG (GIPSA) and Véronique ZIMPFER (ISL): Speaker’s prosodic strategy for a large physical distance communication task

Anders ERIKSSON (University of Gothenburg): SweDat 2000 – A Swedish dialect research database

Fabíola SANTOS (ILTEC) and MAARTEN JANSSEN (IULA): Building a database of phonetic transcriptions from a speech corpus


13:20-14:35 Lunch

14:35-16:05 Second poster session

Speech Pathology

Thais MACHADO (UFMG), Francisco CARDOSO (UFMG) and Rui ROTHE-NEVES (UFMG): Organização temporal na fala disártrica: comparação entre populações com distúrbios nos núcleos de base

Heloísa MACEDO (UNICAMP), Ana Lucia TUBERO (UNICAMP) and Sandra CAZELATO (UNICAMP): Análise de processos multimodais na interação entre afásicos e não afásicos

Erica COUTO (UFMG) and César REIS (UFMG): Estratégias comunicativas entre afásicos e não afásicos na estereotipia verbal

Julia MARINHO (UNICAMP): As sequências de prompting nas afasias


Spoken Corpora Compilation and Annotation

Heloísa VALE (UFMG), Maryualê M. MITTMANN (UFMG) and Priscila CÔRTES (UFMG): Oral corpora transcription and prosodic annotation validation

Eckhard BICK (University of Southern Denmark): Parsing speech data: the automatic grammatical annotation of the C-ORAL-Brasil corpus

Regina CRUZ (UFPA), Soelis MENDES (UFPA), Jany Eric FERREIRA (UFPA) and Edson GOMES (UFPA): Desafios da formação de corpus nas zonas de migração do norte do Brasil


Prosodic Studies

Amedeo DE DOMINICIS (Università della Tuscia): Some more applications of the tonal grid annotation

Leticia CELESTE (FEAD), Vanessa MARTINS (UFMG), Alice AMARAL (UFMG), Valeria REIS (FEAD), Suellen RAFFOUL (FEAD), Emilia ELOI (FEAD) and Rafaela MACHADO (UFMG): Adults’ fluent speech profile: a discussion of data collection and disfluencies transcriptions

Kuniko KAKITA (Toyama Prefectural University): The effect of pause insertion on the temporal organization of connected utterances

Aline BENEVIDES (USP): Flutuação do acento em palavras produzidas por falantes nativos do português brasileiro


Speech and Pragmatics

Gilles DE BIASI (GIPSA), Veronique AUBERGÉ (Université de Grenoble, LIG, CNRS), Lionel GRANJON (GIPSA) and Anne VANPÉ (GIPSA, CNRS): Perception of social affects from non lexical sounds

Yan LU (GIPSA) and Véronique AUBERGÉ (Université de Grenoble, LIG, CNRS): A corpus devoted to the cross-perception of mandarin Chinese vs. French social affects

Albert RILLIARD (LIMSI, CNRS), Takaaki SHOCHI (Université Bordeaux 3), Donna ERICKSON (Showa Music University) and João Antônio DE MORAES (UFRJ): Developmental perception of polite & impolite non-verbal behaviours

Cláudia SIQUEIRA (UFMG): Argumentação : um caminho a percorrer entre o oral e o escrito


Speech and Semantics

Heliana MELLO (UFMG), Luciana ÁVILA (UFMG), Priscila OSÓRIO (UFMG), Raíssa CAETANO (UFMG) and Adriana RAMOS (UFMG): In search of modality: a spontaneous speech corpus based study

Massimo MONEGLIA (Università di Firenze), Gloria GAGLIARDI (Università di Firenze) and Alessandro PANUNZI (Università di Firenze): Bootstrapping the semantic variation of general verbs from spontaneous speech corpora. The IMAGACT ontology infrastructure

Lúcia FULGÊNCIO (UFMG): Estudo extensivo das expressões fixas e idiomáticas em corpus espontâneo do português brasileiro

Raquel MEISTER KO FREITAG (UFSE): A expressão do tempo passado no português: arranjo dos traços semântico-discursivos de tempo, aspecto e modalidade em contextos de uso



Thomas PELLEGRINI (INESC), Helena MONIZ (INESC, FLUL), Ramon ASTUDILLO (INESC, IST) and Isabel TRANCOSO (INESC, IST): Extension of the LECTRA corpus, Classroom Lecture Transcriptions in European Portuguese

Patrizia BASTIANETTO (UFMG): TV, BUONA MAESTRA – a aula de Alberto Manzi – Da língua falada para a língua escrita: legendagem interlinguística de uma entrevista

João Antônio DE MORAES (UFRJ), Luma MIRANDA (UFRJ) and Albert RILLIARD (LIMSI, CNRS): Expressões faciais na manifestação de atitudes prosódicas do Português do Brasil


Speech and Sociolinguistics

Regina CRUZ (UFPA), Socorro CAMPOS (UFPA), Orlando CASSIQUE (UFPA) and Doriedson RODRIGUES (UFPA): Banco de dados sociolinguísticos do Norte do Brasil

Cláudia DE SOUZA CUNHA (UFRJ): Região Centro-Oeste: território incaracterístico?

Helcius PEREIRA (USP): A realização do sujeito pela elite paulistana do início do século XX: uma análise em perspectiva Gerativista Trans-sistêmica

Rafael S. ROCHA (USP): Verbal negatives structures in Paulistano Portuguese

Leandra ANTUNES (UFOP): Os projetos AMPER e ALIB e o estudo da variação prosódica no estado de Minas Gerais


Spoken Corpora and Second Language Studies

Barbara Malveira ORFANÒ (UFSJ), Ana Larissa ADORNO MARCIOTTO OLIVEIRA (UFMG) and Adriana Maria TENUTA (UFMG): A corpus-based study on how Brazilian learners of English express attitude in spontaneous conversation

Kellie GONÇALVES (University of Bern) and Anne SCHLUTER (Boğaziçi University): Oral communication and domestic labor: codes and discourses of Portuguese-speaking cleaning ladies in a majority English-language environment 

Carlota NICOLÀS MARTINEZ (Università di Firenze): The C-Or-DiAL Corpus (Corpus Oral Didático Anotado Linguisticamente) and teaching Spanish as a foreign language

Lucia A. FERRARI (UFMG): Building a corpus for comparative analysis of language attrition

Heliana MELLO (UFMG), Luciana ÁVILA (UFMG), Barbara Malveira ORFANÒ (UFSJ) and Tufi NEDER NETO (UFLA): LINDSEI-BR: an oral English interlanguage corpus


16:05-18:05 Oral presentations

Session 14 Speech and Morphosyntax            (Auditorium 1007)

Chair: Jânia RAMOS

Francesca GATTA (Università di Bologna) and Daniela ZORZI (Università di Bologna): From comparative to temporal; from temporal to concessive: come and dopo che in contemporary spoken Italian

Claus D. PUSCH (University of Freiburg): Complex subordination and ‘Doubly filled COMP’ phenomena in Acadian French

Juliana MARINS (UFRJ): Sujeitos plenos em línguas de sujeito nulo: o que há para além da ênfase e do contraste?

Marie Noelle ROUBAUD (Université de Provence) and Jose DEULOFEU (Université de Provence): Fragments as instantiation of syntactic slots: Complexity of the interfaces between lexicon, grammar and discourse in spoken French


Session 15 Lexicon and Semantics in Speech (Auditorium 2001)

Chair: Rosália DUTRA

Luiz Fernando MATOS ROCHA (UFJF): Fictive self-quotation: quantitative and qualitative aspects of fictivity in European and Brazilian Portuguese

Erling STRUDSHOLM (University of Copenhagen): Perception verbs and discourse marking

Izabel Christine SEARA (UFSC), Juliana CEMIN (UFSC), Maria Eugênia ANDRADE (UFSC) and Vanessa NUNES (UFSC): “A Maria não está grávida de novo”: um estudo sobre a ambigüidade semântica pela análise prosódica e entonacional

Itsuko FUJIMURA (Nagoya University), Shoju CHIBA (Reitaku University) and Mieko OHSO (Nagoya University): Lexical and grammatical features of spoken and written Japanese in contrast: exploring a lexical profiling approach to comparing spoken and written corpora


Session 16 Speech and Second Language Studies (Room 4063)

Chair: Deise PRINA DUTRA

Anna DE MEO (Università di Napoli L’Orientale), Massimo PETTORINO (Università di Napoli L’Orientale) and Marilisa VITALE (Università di Napoli L’Orientale): Transplanting credibility into a foreign voice. An experiment on synthesized L2 Italian

Elena NUZZO (Università di Verona) and Greta ZANONI (Università di Bologna): Il progetto LIRA: un repository multimediale per lo sviluppo delle competenze pragmatiche in parlanti non nativi d’italiano

Anna GUDMUNDSON (Stockholm University          ), Camilla BARDEL (Stockholm University) and Christina LINDQVIST (Uppsala University): Oral lexical richness in French and Italian L2: a corpus-based perspective

Elisa PELLEGRINO (Università di Napoli L´Orientale): The perception of foreign accented speech. Segmental and suprasegmental features affecting degree of foreign accent in Italian L2


18:05-18:25 Coffee break


18:25-19:25 Plenary 4 (Auditorium 1007)

Chair: Heliana MELLO

Douglas BIBER (University of Northern Arizona): Is there a prosody of stance?


19:25-19:35 Closing


March 03, 2012

Tour to historical towns: Ouro Preto and Mariana

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