Research Groups

CECLA - Center for the Study of Anglophone Culture and Literature
CELIS - Center for the Study of Applied LInguistics
CESP - Center for the Study of Portuguese
CPM - Crimes, Sins, Monstrosities
ELT - Literary and Transdisciplinary Spaces
FULIA - Football, Language, and Arts Studies Center
GruMEL - Mineiro Group of Lexical Studies
Intermídia - Intermediality Study Group
LabFon - Phonetic Laboratory
LIBRA - Brazilian Literature Group
LIPSI - Literature and Psicanalysis Group
LITERATERRAS - Transdisciplinary Research Group: Escrita, Leitura, Traduções
MESCLA - Literature, Memory, and Culture Research Group
NAD - Discourse Analysis Group
NEAEM - Collection of Mineiro Writers Group
NEAM - Ancient and Medieval Research Group
NEC - Canadian Studies Group
NECLLE - Critical Studies of Languages, Literacy, and Education Group
NEF - Francophone Studies Group
NEGUE - War and Literature Studies Group
NEIA - Interdisciplinary Studies of Otherness Group
NEJ - Judaic Studies Group
NELC - Language and Cognition Group
NEPPLA - Research and Teaching in Portuguese as a Foreign Language Group
NET - Translation Studies Group
NETII - Trangessions, Images, and Imagination Studies Group
NELAM - Latin-American Studies Group
NELU - Functional Language Studies Group
NPLH - Historical Linguistics Research Group
NUCOI - Intercultural Communication Studies Group
NUFFON - Phonetics and Phonology Group
NUPES - Lexical Semantics Research Group
Nupeyar - Linguistic Variation Research Group
NWB - Walter Benjamin Group
SAL - Food and Literature
TransVerso - Transdisciplinar Forum of Creation e Poetic Studies
LingTec - Language and Technology
LITER - Royal Literature Studies Group
LABED - Edit Laboratory
NELiS - Sign Language, Deafness, and Bilingualism Studies Group
NELFA - Languages for Academic Purposes Studies Group
Formal Syntax and Interfaces Group

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