Prof. Dr. Ulrike Schröder

Research Interests and Projects


Research Interests 

Interactional linguistics, conversation analysis, gesture studies, cultural linguistics and cognitive linguistics with an emphasis on cognitive metaphor and metonymy in interaction; semantics and pragmatics; German as a foreign language; theory of communication and intercultural communication, linguistic historiography, speech styles and functions in cross-cultural and interactional perspective. Coordinator of the research group ICMI.


Research Projects


Since 2024

Elaborating a system of multimodal transcription and analysis for video-mediated talk-in-interaction (FAPEMIG Universal)

Since 2022

The multimodal coordination of intercultural video-mediated interaction (CAPES/DAAD, CNPq)


Intercultural Communication in Interaction: multimodal approaches (WUN - Worldwide Universities Network 2019)



(Inter)cultural key concepts at the interface between interaction, cognition en variation (Research Group Linkage Programma - Alexander von Humboldt Foundation 2017-2020; FAPEMIG-PPM 2017-2019)


Intercultural communication in extended contacts: linguistic and (self-) reflexive processes (CNPQ-PQ 2015-1018)


Intercultural communication between Germans and Brazilians



Communicative and extracommunicative approaches in cognitive metaphor research



The metaphorical construction of society in cross-cultural perspective


Faculdade de Letras da Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais
Av. Antônio Carlos, 6627 Pampulha - Belo Horizonte/MG - CEP: 31270-901
(31) 3409-5101

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